Bekir TAŞKALDIRAN / Agricultural High Engineer
OFİS YEM A.Ş. Chairman of Board of Directors
Different periods have seen various trends in the understanding of business management.
While these trends may differ from one company to another, occasionally the prominence of total quality approach, customer orientation, and competitiveness may vary as well. Actually, the correct approach is to combine these three factors together. That is why we assigned equal importance to all of these trends and objectively observed the additional value they contributed to our company. Nevertheless, we always remember that the preservation of our culture, which we refer to as the Anatolian understanding of tradesman ship, is the true essence of our identity. The healthy blending and protection of these elements is the driving force that guides our businesses.
The product we acquired, which combines modern business strategies and Anatolian craftsmanship understanding, has become a powerful brand , "Ofis Yem". One of the things we take immense pride in is that both our employees and customers recognize the worth of this brand.
A company that is strong is one that possesses strong business partners, employees who are knowledgeable and characterized by a vision, customers who have the potential to grow, and a company that is aware of its mission. The presence of such resilient individuals is an outcome of our company's culture of compromise, which constitutes the main dynamic of our company. As "Ofis Yem," we have always embraced the culture of compromise and unity based on logic and beauty. This culture has played a crucial role in keeping us connected with satisfied stakeholders.
Productivity, to us, is synonymous with abundance. The livestock sector consumes the products we generate, yielding outcomes that are founded on efficiency. We are aware of the importance of thorough preparation for achieving abundance, which is why we take great care when it comes to working towards that objective. Additionally, we consistently demonstrate the required sensitivity towards the products we produce within this framework.
We are delighted to receive feedback on our work from you and to see the joy of your accomplishments on your face. We say that our main duty is to bring a smile to those who trust us, which includes you, in all matters concerning us.
We hope that you will always have a smiling face, and that you enjoy good health and happiness.
Production capacity : 75 Ton / Hour
Production capacity : 35 Ton / Hour
Production capacity : 60 Ton / Hour
Production capacity : 80 Ton / Hour
Within the scope of ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry)'s 2022 "Turkey's 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises Research", our company ranked 309th among Turkey's top 500 industrial enterprises, with an increase compared to the 2021 ranking according to the sales from production criterion. We are happy to share this proud result with the public.
We continue to grow with our industrial culture coming from our strong roots. Now, as Ofis Yem, with the investment leadership of Garanti BBVA, we are realizing the first public offering of the sector. Be a partner in this deep-rooted power. Sale dates at the stock exchange are 10 - 11 August.
Today, we are excited to share our new website with you. We have renewed our website to provide you with a better user experience and to enable you to access our products and services more easily. Our new website has a more modern design and an easier to navigate interface.
Our company was among the top 500 industrial enterprises of Turkey within the scope of ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry)'s 2017 "Turkey's 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises Research". We are happy to share this proud result with the public.
The list of Turkey's 'brightest' 100 companies, prepared in cooperation with the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation and the London Stock Exchange, has been announced. The companies on the list grew twice as much as Turkey's GDP growth rate between 2013 and 2016. Ofis Yem, which is proud to rank 15th among Turkey's 100 brightest companies, is taking step by step towards becoming the pioneer of the Turkish Agriculture and Livestock industry.